Many students are drawn to USF for not only the strong academics but the exceptional diversity. In fact, according to the Princeton Review USF ranked number 15 for the most ethnically diverse University in the country. Within this diverse population there is a large presence of students who are multi or biracial.
For a school that boasts about its diversity, many of the students who do not identify with one race feel that USF has not done much to acknowledge them. Twenty-five out of twenty-five multi/biracial students said that as freshmen they were never encourage to join a race related group or organization on campus. They also agreed that they would not feel comfortable joining such a group due to the fact that they are not “enough of one race.” Jessica Reihanifam, a Black and Persian student, says “I feel like groups that focus on one nationality makes me uncomfortable and that they are not accepting.” She believes that the answer to this problem would be a club, organization, or sorority designed to cater to people of mixed descent.
However, Ariana Johnson, a biracial student, joined the BSU her freshmen year and still actively participates. Johnson sought out the BSU at USF because of her prior involvement in high school. “I don’t think a group focused on many cultures is a cohesive one,” Johnson says.
Biracial student Jessica Perry says she would like to see a place for mixed people in the USF community. “I see people of the same ethnic descent congregate on campus and I’m not quite sure where that leaves me,” says Perry. Ashley Jones, a multiethnic student, agrees.
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