In 2005, Katie Couric touched upon the topic our parents have dreaded bringing up, but something everyone wants to know. In her special Couric brings together various teens and their parents where they all sit down and talk about sex. She asks the questions that most parents wonder, but never ask. Teens are invited to discuss sex in their lives and what outer influences effect their decisions. Parents are also allowed to address the issue of sex in their teens lives and what they think. If you watch the video and read the article you will hear and see a wide range of opinions from both parents and teens.
For me, I remember viewing this special as a Sophomore in High School and thinking that Couric was genius for running this special. Never before have I ever seen anything like this on T.V that took a neutral stance and had a balance of opinions from teens and parents. It was controversial, but almost necessary for todays generation to discuss. Sex has always been seen as "taboo" in the U.S but more and more teens are engaging in sex at younger ages. Many parents don't understand because their generation was not as sexually active as todays.
I think that Couric did a great job as a journalist with this issue and covered the topic appropriately.