I just read the police report about Chris Benoit, a pro-wrestler, who killed his wife and seven-year-old son. He strangled both of them and left them face down in their rooms. Later, he hanged himself. His wife had filed complaints about his abusive tendencies, verbal and physical.
I can only assume that wrestling had fueled his abusive behavior and provided an outlet for him to release aggression. So that leads me to ask whether or not wrestling is more dangerous than we think it is? Mike Tyson bit off part of a mans ear! Wrestlers are encouraged to gain weight, build muscle, take steroids (some), ultimately creating a strong dangerous person. Some wrestlers have acted out in the ring and outside of the ring. It seems that wrestling promotes abusive behavior? But then I look a Hulk Hogan, the epitome of a family guy who puts his wife and kids first.
So maybe some wrestlers practice aggression in and outside the ring while some don't?